Friday, September 19, 2008 / 5:21 PM

Okay, Im really in the mood to scold lotsa vulgarities now.
The attachment really sucks totally. No kidding.
First day of orientation treat us so good, the second day change 360 degrees.
Im damn suay too. The sister stays in my cubicle for like 24/7. I swear she didn't even go toilet.
She didn't even go to the rest of the cubicles and do her round. Just stay in my cubicle and watch everything, no, every single thing I do. The moment I did something not acceptable, she screams at me like there's no tomorrow. She makes me suspect that she's the PI somebody hired to keep an eye on me.
The year 3s weren't of much help either. Particularly that one. Except the other one. But the other one is in another shift, so I can only see her for 3 hours per day. SADDED.
And I dreamt of taking parameters every night. Half-hourly, hourly, 4-hourly blah blah blah.
The best best best thing is, I haven't got my COMPETENT column signed. Thanks alot to whoever put me in that hospital, that cubicle. I owe you 100 punches in the face.

9 days to complete freedom and it feels like 9000 days